Genesys Electronics Design is pleased to announce a change in the leadership structure of the company, designed to grow the business without compromising the quality it is renowned for.
The company’s previous Operations Managers, George Bou-Rizk and Damien Landais, have been appointed Co-CEOs. George will lead the software side of the business while Damien Landais will head up the hardware side.

Genesys founder and former CEO Geoff Sizer is taking up a new role of Chief Technology Advisor. This arrangement ensures that Geoff’s vast experience will continue to be available to the organisation for the foreseeable future. Geoff’s personal mission to safeguard the technical excellence and quality of Genesys deliverables remains unchanged.

George is a long-term employee of Genesys, having started his career as an intern. While he started in electronics, his fascination with software engineering saw him progress through the ranks to lead the discipline in the business. In particular, he has overseen the development of a core value proposition for the company in its modularised software modules and template projects. George is extending the company’s software mission of delivering high reliability firmware into new domains such as mobile Apps, backend systems and AI. His deep knowledge of the company’s operations will ensure a smooth transition of leadership.

Damien's career started at an electronics design house in Finland very similar to Genesys. At that company he rose to become Assistant Operations Manager leading projects such as Beddit, a Finnish sleep tracker that would later be acquired by Apple. Migrating to Australia he joined Genesys as the lead hardware engineer. Damien is overseeing extensions of the company’s services to include Manufacturing Logistics and Mechanical Engineering.
Both Co-CEOs are deeply versed in medical device development and will ensure continued reliable operation of the company’s ISO 13485 quality management system. They are overseeing expansion of the QMS to cover mechanical engineering and usability engineering.

The senior leadership team is rounded out by the Business Development Manager Dr Tim Kannegieter. He will lead the marketing functions of the organisation and is responsible for developing partnerships across the product development ecosystem, with a particular focus on the medical device industry. Tim has over 30 years of experience specialising in engineering communication and has a PhD in organisational knowledge management and communication.
A key focus for the new leadership team is on organisational culture and teamwork, both internally and in collaboration with clients. A key initiative to support this focus is expansion of the leadership team to include key supporting roles. The first such roles appointed are:
Lead Bio-Medical Engineer: Matthew Sheedy will be a key advisor on all medical device projects and support project managers in this space.
Lead Mechanical Engineer: Nick Gorring is developing the mechanical engineering capability of the organisation and will drive the company’s certification for this capability under ISO 13485.
Lead Embedded Software Engineer: Andre Gomes will be the key advisor for embedded software engineering, supporting the development of junior engineers and ensuring quality of outputs.
Lead Embedded Systems Engineer: Robert Truong will be the key advisor for embedded systems, supporting the development of junior engineers and ensuring quality of outputs.

See more at the Our Team web page. Enquiries about the leadership changes can be directed to Tim Kannegieter on