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We adapt our platform to create your customised environmental sensor

Genesys is a contract designer of electronic products. Our platform enables rapid proof-of-concept, prototype delivery and deployment of a fully optimised and commercially scalable final device.


  • Design an enclosure/attachment to suit your application


  • Choose the location engine of your choice 

  • Add sensors to monitor your environmental parameter 

  • Easily communicate with your backend systems




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Mix and match to get your perfect environmental sensor

Standard sensors on base board:

  • Temperature / Humidity

  • Pressure

  • Light

  • Accelerometer

  • Magnetometer

  • Hall Effect


Add any sensor you want:

  • Weather

  • Climate

  • Air quality

  • Water quality

  • Water levels

  • Soil moisture and nutrients


Anything else on demand...

Limitless sensor choice


  • Sound levels and types

  • Vegetation

  • Movement

  • Heat

  • Security

  • Traffic

Location Engine options


  • GPS tracking / GNSS

  • Wi-Fi sniffing

  • Cellular triangulation

  • LoRaWAN 

  • Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacons

  • Ultra-wideband (UWB)

  • Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

  • Wirepass


Anything else on demand....

Communicate & integrate


  • 4G / 5G cellular

  • Wi-Fi

  • BLE

  • NB-IoT

  • LoRaWAN

  • Wi-Fi

  • Wirepas

  • Satellite (Myriota, Fleet)


Anything else on demand... 

Four easy steps to design your

environmental sensor

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4. Choose an enclosure option that suits your use case

3. Customise your user interface for registering devices and reading data via mobile app

2. Select your sensors, communication and location engine

1. Define the software requirements for tracking, monitoring and backend integration

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Learn more about our fully integrated companion Mobile App

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Adapt the sensing system to any
application or use case

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Ecological health

Monitor any environmental parameter from salinity to vegetation growth

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Monitor endangered and invasive species alike, including population, distribution and more

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Air and water

Monitor the natural and urban environments, for any parameter such as particulate, chemical and gas concentrations

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Disaster management

Monitor dryness of vegetation, water flows, roadways, damage assessment, search and rescue

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Illegal dumping

Observe common areas and access roads for illegal dumping and theft of native species



Monitor soil, water levels, pests, yield  and any other agricultural parameter

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Site monitoring

Keep on top of regulatory requirements, such as noise, dust, vibration, heat stress and runoff quality

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Smart cities

Place smart sensors across every aspect of city life, including traffic, waste management, security and more

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No strings attached

All the benefits without the complications​

  • No need to integrate (yet another) third-party platform.

  • No ongoing subscription or licence fees



  • Yes to accessing raw data 

  • Yes to adding your brand

  • Yes to simplifying your systems and reducing costs


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The Genesys Environmental Sensing Platform

An environmental sensing system looks simple on the surface, but selecting exactly the right components to minimise the footprint and power consumption, debug software and deal with the trade-offs between miniaturisation and functionality is challenging. If you are designing your own customised environmental sensing device,  then you will be excited to explore the
Genesys Environmental Sensing Platform.


  • What it is: At the heart of the platform is a small battery-powered device that tracks location and logs sensor data, then wirelessly transmits it to your environmental monitoring backend system and/or a companion mobile App.

  • We make it easy: The platform provides all the "under-the-hood" hardware and software enablers while making it easy to add the location engine hardware, communication protocols and any particular sensors you need.  This allows you to focus on your end-user requirements.

  • We accelerate your time to deployment: Our modular approach and re-use of firmware modules dramatically reduces the cost and timeframe of delivery, while increasing reliability and reducing technical risks.


Find out more by downloading the full technical specification.





Add your own sensors

Standard sensors included on the base board include:

  • Accelerometer (IMU) 

  • Temperature / humidity

  • Pressure

  • Hall effect

  • Magnetometer

  • Ambient light

Off the shelf sensors that are easily added include:


Electromagnetic / optical

  • Cameras​ (CCD)

  • PPG

  • Infrared (PIR)

  • Lidar

  • Spectrometer



  • Flammable gases including methane, propane, hydrogen​

  • Toxic gas sensors including carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulphide and ammonia

  • Environmental monitoring: oxygen, nitrogen, volatile organic compounds


Acoustic / piezoelectric

  • Microphone​

  • Hydrophones


Electrically conductive

  • Voltage

  • Current

  • Capacitive



  • RFID

  • Optical SPO2

  • Photodiodes / detectors

  • mmWave radar

  • Ultrasonic

  • Fibre optic

  • Resonant

  • Resistance

  • Inductive

  • Conductivity


  • pH

  • Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

  • Electrolytes 

  • Colorimetric

  • Fluorescence

Force transmissive

  • Force

  • Tonometer


  • Thermocouples

  • Thermal imaging

  • Pyrometer

  • Thermistors

Add your own bespoke sensor

Sensors are inherently limited in their range, accuracy, resolution, sensitivity, linearity, repeatability and environment limits. We can easily add bespoke sensors that exactly meet your need, usually in collaboration with researchers from universities, CSIRO and other institutes.


In NSW, Genesys collaborates with the NSW Smart Sensing Network (NSSN) to leverage the expertise of leading sensor researchers at nine leading universities. 

Asset Tracking Sensors

Manufacturing and maintenance support

Genesys provides full support for every stage of your custom device's product life.



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Want to quickly develop your custom asset tracking and monitoring device the easy way?
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