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Setting the standard for reliability in 
device integrated mobile Apps

Genesys provides app development services for companies that require absolute reliability in their app. Typically these apps will be supporting business operations or safety. You can’t afford to have problematic operation. We deliver:


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Free of bugs and crashes

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Instant device identification and seamless connection / reconnection 

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Add devices and features without breaking the 
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Fully documented releases and embedded code


Connection and authentication of users and things

Our App development services

We provide a complete service including the development of:

User interface design and branding

Using a human-centred design methodology, facilitated by our industrial design partner, we  deliver highly useable interfaces for a great user experience. We can develop graphic designs for you or import your graphics files to overlay.


Business logic and workflow development

We workshop scenarios for the use and features of the app. We then design the applications using a systems engineering approach to make your device fit for purpose.


Data management and communication systems design

We engineer the backend systems to ensure utmost quality and reliability, including medical grade implementation.

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App services

Why Genesys

What differentiates Genesys from other app developers is:


  • Robust understanding of communication technologies: We intimately understand the engineering required to connect apps to the backend systems and devices using a wide range of protocols. We compartmentalise the communication at a systems level to deliver greater reliability of connection, via the cloud to back end data services or directly with a device.

  • Our disciplined approach to software engineering: All our developers are qualified engineers using software engineering methodology to deliver highly robust outputs. We map your product road map with an architectural design that supports cost-effective product evolution and scalability. 


  • Our proven white-label apps: We have a library of proven software modules to handle the most common functions of data management, communication, business logic and presentation. The white-label products outlined in the Genesys IoT GENome™ section all have mobile apps architectures in place, ready to reconfigure and rebrand to your application. 

  • Our medical-grade quality systems: All of our software is subject to stringent quality control procedures including review and sign-off mechanisms at a level reliable enough for medical devices.  We are so efficient at doing this that we can cost-effectively deliver medical-grade quality to every app.


Want to know more?




Why Genesys
Platform support

Platform support

Genesys works with the following technologies:


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Been burned by shoddy app developers?

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